Dark Arts at Hogwarts™ Castle Premiere Event at Universal Studios Hollywood Alex BernalMarch 12, 2019Harry Potter, the wizarding world of harry potter, dark, artsComment
Tickets are now on sale for Midsummer Scream 2019 Alex BernalMarch 12, 2019midsummer, scream, 2019, horror, conventionComment
Dark Arts at Hogwarts Castle Comes To The Wizarding World of Harry Potter Alex BernalMarch 4, 2019Universal Studios, Hollywood, wizarding world, Harry PotterComment
Discover What Lurks Within the Queen Mary at the All-New Voyage to the Other Side: A Paranormal Investigation Alex BernalFebruary 25, 2019thequeenmaryComment
The RMS Queen Mary Presents: Aiden Sinclair’s A Night to Remember Saturday, April 13, 2019 Alex BernalFebruary 5, 2019thequeenmaryComment
"Year of the Pig" themed treat available at Voodoo Doughnut starting today Alex BernalFebruary 5, 2019Universal Studios HollywoodComment
Universal Studios Hollywood Celebrates Lunar New Year and the “Year of the Pig” Alex BernalFebruary 5, 2019Universal Studios Hollywood, HollywoodComment
Marshmello Headlines Universal Studios Hollywood’s Annual Grad Bash Event Alex BernalJanuary 20, 2019Universal Studios Hollywood, grad, bash, Universal StudiosComment
Universal Studios Hollywood Rings in 2019 with EVE Alex BernalDecember 4, 2018Universal Studios Hollywood, USH, new, years, L.AComment